Benefits of Physical Activity

6 Most Important Surprising Health Benefits Of Physical Activity

Do you ever wonder what all the hype is about physical activity?  People everywhere are walking more, riding bikes, playing sports, and basically moving more.

Here are some surprising benefits of physical activity.

Important Benefits of Physical Activity

  1. Reduce Feelings of Anxiety and Depression.
  2. Increase Energy.
  3. Improve Sleep Quality.
  4. Help you Live longer.
  5. Manage Weight.
  6. Increase Self Esteem.

Benefits of Physical Activity #1

Physical Activity can Reduce Feelings of Anxiety and Depression.

benefits of physical activity

Physical activity is one of the most under utilized anti-depressant and anti-anxiety treatments. 

Regular physical activity increases neurochemicals like serotonin and dopamine as well as neurotransmitters like endorphins, that can reduce mild anxiety and depression.

Engaging in physical activity can distract you from what you’re anxious about. 

Physical activity reduces muscle tension. Being in a more relaxed state can help reduce anxiety.

Physical activity is a positive way to deal with the normal stresses of life. Stresses that can lead to depression.

Benefits of Physical Activity #2

Physical Activity can Increase Your Energy.

benefits of physical activity

Contrary to what we might think, getting more physical activity  actually gives you more energy.

Physical activity helps your body produce mitochondria, which creates fuel from the food we eat and the oxygen from the air we breathe. Having more mitochondria increases the body’s energy supply.

Physical activity gets your blood pumping and increases oxygen circulation, leading to more energy.

It can also increase the release of endorphins, which boost energy levels. 

It’s not easy to come home after a long day at work and jump into an exercise routine.

But a brisk walk, shooting hoops with the kids, of even some moderately strenuous yard work can give you the benefit of more energy. 

Benefits of Physical Activity #3

Physical Activity can Improve Your Sleep Quality.

benefits of physical activity

Not only does getting plenty of physical activity give you energy during the day, it can also help with your quality of sleep.

Moderate to vigorous activity can increase sleep quality by causing you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Benefits of Physical Activity #4

Physical Activity can Help you Live longer.

benefits of physical activity

Another benefit of physical activity is that it can help prevent certain illnesses and manage health conditions you already have. As well as strengthen your heart and lungs.

Physical activity helps improve your overall health, fitness and quality of life.

It can also help reduce your risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, many types of cancer depression and anxiety, and dementia.

Reducing these risks can help you to live longer.    Source: CDC

Benefits of Physical Activity #5

Physical Activity can Help You Manage Your Weight.

benefits of physical activity

This benefit of physical activity may not come as a surprise  to many.

But regular physical activity can increase the number of calories your body uses for energy. When you combine physical activity with reducing caloric intake it makes managing your weight much easier. 

*It is important to note that when trying to lose weight, exercise alone most likely won’t do the trick. You need to also reduce caloric intake to lose weight successfully.

Benefits of Physical Activity #6

Physical Activity can Increase Self Esteem.

benefits of physical activity

Another great benefit of physical activity, is that is can boost your self esteem.

The same activity that gets your heart and lungs pumping and increases endorphins can give you more confidence in what you do in your everyday life.

Physical activity makes you feel more alert and focused, which can boost your self confidence in every day tasks.

Physical Activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Here are 9 Easy Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle that you can start right now!